California Patrol Operations Prisoner Transport service specializes in secure prisoner transportation and extradition services to the Continental of United States. Our prisoner transport services are available 7 days a week—both by ground and air, depending on the option that most efficiently meets your agency’s needs.
Who We Serve
How We Transport
Our Service
California Prisoner transport Inmate transport Prisoner transport California
How We Transport
How We Transport
How We Transport
Our ground service is provided with a fleet of Vans, secured shuttle bus and Patrol Vehicles. Each vehicle is equipped with professionally-built transport cells that allow secure segregation of males, females, juveniles, violent/high risk or mentally ill inmates. During a transportation, our agents are also there as a backup assistant. We
Our ground service is provided with a fleet of Vans, secured shuttle bus and Patrol Vehicles. Each vehicle is equipped with professionally-built transport cells that allow secure segregation of males, females, juveniles, violent/high risk or mentally ill inmates. During a transportation, our agents are also there as a backup assistant. We assign 2 additional Extradition Agents in each vehicle as a follow car. CPO Prisoner Transport has the ability to do massive transports daily.